February 27, 2019

Chairman Takano Delivers Opening Remarks before the Legislative Presentation of the American Legion

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs Chairman Mark Takano (CA-41) delivered opening remarks before the Legislative Presentation of the American Legion at the Joint House and Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee Hearing.  Below is a link to the video of the Chairman’s opening statement and his remarks as prepared:

 american legion

Watch opening remarks here


Good Morning, Commander Reistad and welcome everyone to the House and Senate joint hearing to receive the legislative presentation of The American Legion.

I am honored to be here with Chairman Isakson and with Senator Tester and Ranking Member Roe, and all members of the House and Senate Committees on Veterans’ Affairs.

First I would like to thank Commander Reistad for being here today and welcome every Legionnaire here today and those who couldn’t join us in person but are watching from home.

Commander, I want begin by recognizing the tireless advocates who work every day on behalf of the American Legion.  We rely on the American Legion in our districts and states back home, and here in Washington D.C. to be the voice for the millions of veterans you represent throughout the country.  

I’d also like to specifically recognize members from my home state of California.  Will the members from California please stand or raise your hand to be recognized.  Welcome!

For 100 years, members of your organization have been on the front lines as a strong voice on Capitol Hill, ensuring Congress fulfills its promise to veterans.  We look to you to guide our work, and to hold us accountable to the veterans and their families.  You make sure that the work we undertake is done in the best interest of veterans. 

With your help, we have seen a lot of successes over the years, and we will need your continued input as we move through the 116th Congress.  Reading through your testimony, your concerns are my concerns.

This afternoon, the House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs will have Secretary Wilkie testifying on the state of the VA, and what needs to be done to achieve our vision for VA 2030.

Our VA 2030 plan is simple:  it’s a future look at what we envision as the ideal VA—a System Worth Saving for ALL veterans, no matter the generation or conflict in which they served. 

That starts with getting implementation of the Mission Act right so veterans can access to care at VA hospitals and clinics and with community providers.

I hold your similar concerns regarding hiring and retention.  We must continue to find constructive ways to bring the best and brightest to VA and once they are there, keep them.

Keeping pace with the fastest growing population of veterans is critical.  Women veterans need to know that VA is for them. 

We agree with your assessment, that no veteran should have to choose between caring for a child and receiving healthcare.  We are proud to report that the House passed the “Veterans Access to Child Care Act a few weeks ago so that veterans who are parents to young children can see their VA provider without having to worry about finding and affording child care.

And we will continue to work with you to advance benefits to all Viet Nam veterans serving on land and sea—especially those exposed to Agent Orange. We will double our efforts to end homelessness and strive to find and care for every veteran who may be contemplating suicide.

While I just touched on a few of the issue areas that are important to you and your membership, know that I am committed to helping advance your priorities in the coming year.

I look forward to hearing your testimony today and thank you again for your tireless advocacy of the veteran community. 
